Priyanka Chopra was asked to put on some “serious weight” for her forthcoming film Saat Khoon Maaf and sources close to her say that Priyanka happily gorged on fried food like samosas to put on that weight. The actress who managed to gain about five kilos is now back to the gym. And she is not loving it at all.
“I’ve been on a put-on-some-serious weight kinda diet for SKM (Saat Khoon Maaf)…yuck! I feel so unhealthy!” she tweeted.
According to people close to her, the script required Priyanka to look fuller because she plays an ordinary Indian woman. “Ordinary Indian women are curvaceous and fuller and that is what makes her attractive to the average Indian man. In the film, Priyanka will be seen dating seven men, making them fall in love with her,” the source says.
According to sources, Priyanka’s role is a negative role where she would be seen killing her husbands.
“Saat Khoon Maaf is a black comedy and is a celluloid version of the Ruskin Bond book Susanna’s Seven Husbands which features seven male protagonists who are lured by one woman. The husbands are played by Naseeruddin Shah, John Abraham, Irrfan Khan, Anu Kapoor etc while Neil Nitin Mukesh is the youngest husband.
Naseeruddin Shah’s youngest son Vivaan Shah is also set to do a role of a husband. There is also a Russian actor as one of the husbands. She is going to kill all of them. Of course, Vishal Bharadwaj (director) has added his own twist at the end,” the source says.
But as of now, it’s back to the gym for Priyanka. “Now that the film’s almost over... I plan on hitting the gym with a vengeance. And coming from me that’s a feat in itself… Because I hate gyms! Aaaarrrggghh!” she adds.