The host of the reality show Rakhi ka Insaaf, which airs on NDTV Imagine, Rakhi Sawant retreated her plea seeking to quash an FIR against her for allegedly abetting suicide of a participant of the show.
The lawyer of Sawant and other four media personalities, Satish Maneshinde on Nov 18 withdrew the petition claiming he would move the appropriate court for taking necessary recourse under law.
25-year-old Laxman Singh Aharwar, who participated in the show to solve his marital problems, reportedly unable to bear the humiliation meted out to him in the show and he committed suicide.
Getting the information that a team of Jhansi police left to arrest the Rakhi and other accused media persons, Maneshinde earlier filed the plea in court and claimed, "we seek protection from the court or an interim relief that no coercive action should be taken against these five until this petition is pending before the court."
On Rakhi's application to squash her earlier plea, the court stated, "A famous personality or not, it does not make any difference to the court, no relief should be given to her."
However, afterwards the court reportedly allowed her to withdraw the application.
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