Bollywood model cum actress Yana Gupta is making waves on the net after going uncensored and bold before the cameras. Since she is no longer visible in Bollywood films, the paparazzi is her only comfort and she has seized spotlight by going pantyless at a children’s charity event.
But Yana is not the 1st girl to do a real life Sharon Stone (think of Basic Instinct). Some time back, another screen hottie Shamita Shetty had grabbed eyeballs by letting the cameras snap shots of her bare private parts at a celeb event. Perhaps, she, too, decided to sell her dignity to make some headlines after a failed Bollywood career.
Yana and Shamita may idolise their Hollywood counterparts Britney Spears and Paris Hilton who, more often than once, go about roaming the streets in short skimpy attires after making sure that there’s nothing underneath.
One may also question the role of media in this regard as this act of theirs to capture a lady’s faux pas is not a commendable one but given the kind of desperation these women are displaying just to grab some meaty limelight, we can pardon the cameras. After all, what can the shutterbugs do if nudity dances before it in blatant and brazen fashion?
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