Indian-American actress and director Namrata Singh Gujral's docu-drama, '1 a minute', starring cancer survivors like Lisa Ray and Barbara Mori is all set to hit theaters in India this month.
Written and directed by Gujral, '1 a minute' focuses on cancer and features female celebrities from around the world who survived the deadly disease, will release on October 29.
"The film is based on my own life and the lives of other women and their battle with cancer, with a focus on breast cancer. It documents the experiences of celebrity survivors and serves as an inspiration for cancer patients as well as their families," Namrata said.
She intends to rope in actress Shabana Azmi and other regional stars to dub the film in different languages to create awareness and raise funds for cancer patients in India.
"We are thinking of taking Shabanaji and other regional stars to dub the movie in Hindi and other languages in India.
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