Break Ke Baad actor Imran Khan had recently made a seemingly sarcastic comment about actress Sonam Kapoor. In his stint with ‘Koffee with Karan’, Karan Johar had asked Imran what advice would he like to impart to Sonam and Imran had replied that she should do more movies and less magazine covers.
Of course, Sonam has, hitherto, done only 4 movies in ‘Saawariya’, ‘Delhi 6’, ‘I Hate Luv Storys’ and ‘Aisha’ and Imran’s comment may have been made in good humour. However, Sonam is a no-nonsense girl and she hasn’t taken his remarks too lightly.
Now she has retorted back by suggesting that Imran still has a lot to do before making such statements. Sonam has also clarified that she has dome merely 3 magazine covers this year. She pompously goes on to state that may be she has had such an impact that people always feel her presence.
Sonam also goes on to make a point that the biggest stars in the world (including the likes of Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Rekha and Sharmila Tagore) were all fashion icons.
Sonam had earlier called Aishwarya Rai ‘an auntie’ and shot back at Shobha De by addressing her as an ‘old fossil’. Sonam, certainly, seems to be a loudmouthed gal. So mess with her at your own peril!
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