It seems filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma is over excited about Southern superstar Chiranjeevi's comeback. After expressing his desire to direct Chiru's 150 th film, now he wants the star to turn director and direct his own film.
"If after 149 films experience Chiranjeevi doesn't know what film making is then who the hell can know? According to me the only director who will be capable of directing Chiranjeevi in his 150th film is Chiranjeevi himself," said Ram Gopal Varma while talking about his favorite actor Chiru's comeback film.
RGV who is eager to work with Chiru, forgiving and forgetting their earlier feud, feels that no existing directors can direct him. "Some directors made Chiranjeevi flop... but Chiranjeevi made no director flop and that is proof that he understands direction more than any director. Whole Andhra Pradesh will die to see a film directed by Chiranjeevi. I can't wait to see a title card which says 'Directed by Chiranjeevi'," said Ramu.
Needless to say RGV is going mad over his favorite Chiru. Hope, the star is aware of RGV's desperation!
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